Erin Kerrigan discusses findings from the Kerrigan Advisors Q2 Blue Sky Report

September 22, 2020

Kerrigan Advisors recently released their Blue Sky Report that covers the overall buy-sell market and M&A activity in the auto retail industry through the second quarter of 2020. On today’s show, we’re pleased to welcome back Erin Kerrigan, founder and managing director of Kerrigan Advisors, to discuss the report’s latest findings.

Q2 was one for the history books in terms of mergers and acquisitions. Of course, March and April were really trying months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, once things began to open back up in May, many of the deals that were postponed were ignited once again. June turned out to be an incredible month as well with new deals also coming to market.

In the report, Kerrigan Advisors identified three key trends in the buy-sell market in the second quarter of 2020.

  • Valuations rise as dealership earnings grow and buyers’ cost of capital declines
  • More sellers come to market driven by high values and the threat of industry disruption
  • High growth, business-friendly regions attract a disproportionate number of buyers (Kerrigan Advisors Sept. 2020)

To hear more insight and expertise from Erin Kerrigan, be sure to watch our entire interview above.

Upon receiving her MBA, Erin Kerrigan began her career as an investment bank for Piper Jaffray. She also ran her family’s dealership before selling it in 2006. Prior to founding Kerrigan Advisors, she held the position of Senior Vice President at AutoStar and was the head of Presidio Automotive.

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